Eligible students can get $365 for groceries while schools are closed

Published On: May 29th, 2020By Categories: Resources1.3 min read

While schools are closed due to COVID-19, families with students who were receiving free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch at school can get up to $365 per child for groceries this summer.

This federal nutrition benefit is called Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) and is available for families in addition to continued grab-and-go meal services at many school sites in San Diego County.

Over 250,000 San Diego students are eligible for $365 in P-EBT benefits. That’s $91,250,000 in grocery money available to families.

How do I get P-EBT?

Students who are enrolled in CalFresh, Medi-Cal, or foster care benefits will automatically receive a P-EBT card in the mail by May 25. If a student receiving these services doesn’t get their card in the mail by May 25, please call (877) 328-9677. If you recently became eligible for Medi-Cal, CalFresh, or foster care benefits, you may be eligible and should apply for P-EBT.

Students who received free or reduced-price school meals, but did not receive a P-EBT card in the mail by May 25, must apply online before July 15, 2020, to get their card.

P-EBT and school meals are not public charge benefits and do not affect immigration status.

Applying is easy:

Go to ca.p-ebt.org and answer 5 questions:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s date of birth
  • Student’s home address
  • Parent or guardian name
  • Name of school attended

P-EBT Flyers:


Call 1-877-328-6977, go to ca-p-ebt.org/info or check out the Frequently Asked Questions.