Get Involved

Every Action Counts in Our Fight to End Hunger

Feeding San Diego relies on support from the community to make what we do possible. Whether you give funds, give food, give time, or give voice — you can make a difference and help end hunger in San Diego County.

From the donors that fund our critical programs to the volunteers who pack and distribute food, we need people like you. Find out how you can directly impact the lives of children, families, and seniors in need.

A woman and a young girl holding food

Donate Funds

Make a monthly or one-time donation to help feed those facing hunger.

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Baby toes

Join Feed 365

A recurring gift of just $42 per month feeds a family in San Diego for a week! Become a Feed 365 member and join our community of monthly donors.

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Kids in back seat of car at Feeding San Diego food distribution, one of our Feeding San Diego programs.

Start a Fundraiser

Make a difference by starting a fundraiser. Reach out and ask friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to give.

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Girl peers out of car window

Include Us in Your Legacy

Make a lasting impact with a planned gift to Feeding San Diego. We partnered with FreeWill to help you create a legal will or living trust for free.

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Volunteer leader holds California flag at Feeding San Diego distribution

Join The Grove

The Grove is a giving circle for passionate supporters of Feeding San Diego. Your generous investment helps sustain and enhance hunger-relief and food rescue programs in San Diego County.

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Volunteers hold bags of apples and oranges at Feeding San Diego distribution


Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization. We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities, including in-person, outdoor, and remote options.

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Feeding San Diego driver pulls out palette of produce at mobile pantry distribution.

Corporate Partnership

Partner with us to help end hunger and create a healthy community.

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Feeding San Diego Rosa Parks School Pantry Food Distribution

Donate Food

Provide quality food to the community. We accept food donations from many types of donors, including individuals, grocery and retail partners, manufacturers, distributors, farmers, and more.

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