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Feeding Heroes

Proud to Support Veterans and Active Duty Military Families

Veterans and active-duty military families make significant sacrifices. Access to nutritious food shouldn’t be one of them. With our Feeding Heroes program, we work with a network of partners that serve the military community to ensure they have the food they need.

According to the 2023 Military Economic Impact Report, more than 115,000 active-duty service men and women currently call San Diego home. Over 1.2 million San Diegans, 37% of our population, have direct ties to the military. Although the families of military members stationed in San Diego do not necessarily choose where they live, they do face the reality of the high cost of living.

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Programs That Support Feeding Heroes

Baby smiling in back seat of car with fresh produce

Mobile Pantry

Feeding San Diego’s Mobile Pantry Program is tailored to support our military families and veterans across San Diego County. With 25 strategic sites, including locations near military bases and veteran communities, this traveling pantry brings free, nutritious food directly to our heroes. Monthly or bi-monthly distributions provide military households with 20-30 pounds of fresh produce and dry goods. By eliminating paperwork and income requirements, we ensure our service members, veterans, and their families can easily access the support they deserve, especially in rural areas where resources may be limited.

Produce Pantry

Our Produce Pantry Program addresses the unique challenges faced by military families and veterans in accessing fresh, affordable produce. Recognizing the financial strains and transitional nature of military life, we provide approximately 20-25 pounds of seasonal fruits and vegetables to each household. This program is especially beneficial for military families facing food insecurity due to frequent relocations, single-income households, or veterans transitioning to civilian life. By offering 4-6 varieties of fresh produce, we support the health and well-being of those who have served our country.

Woman standing with box of food
Woman in Feeding San Diego Marketplace

Feeding San Diego Marketplace 

The Feeding San Diego Marketplace proudly serves our military community, with 30% of our shoppers being veterans or active duty service members. Located at our Sorrento Valley headquarters, this dignified shopping experience is designed to honor and support our heroes. Military families and veterans can visit once a month to select no-cost groceries, including dry goods, frozen protein, and fresh produce. This market-style approach allows our heroes to choose foods that best meet their family’s needs, providing a sense of normalcy and support during challenging times.

Agency Partners

We collaborate with nearly 370 community partners, many of which specialize in supporting military families and veterans. Our network includes organizations dedicated to serving those who have served us, such as veteran support groups, military family resource centers, and VA facilities. Whether providing food directly or facilitating partnerships with local grocery stores, we ensure our heroes have consistent access to nutritious meals. This targeted approach allows us to reach military families and veterans in various situations, from active duty to post-service transition, addressing the unique food security challenges they may face.

Feeding San Diego distribution partner STEP serves free food to veterans and their families on June 18, 2022.Liam

Community Partners

Veterans village logo

Feeding San Diego is proud to be recognized by The Patriots Connection for doing the finest work to most effectively support our local military communities.

Support This Work

A family of five stands in front of an open truck holding food from a Feeding San Diego distribution

Your support makes this work possible. 

Donations stay 100% local and have an immediate impact on San Diegans in need.

Because we rescue food and partner with food distributors, our distribution model stretches your dollar further. Every dollar you donate helps provide 2 meals to the community.

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Stories from Our Feeding Heroes Sites


A woman sitting in the front seat of a car wearing a black face mask and a military uniform

My daughter has been very emotional the past few months because she hasn’t been able to hang out with her friends. This distribution helps keep her well-fed and healthy. She would usually eat the free school meals, but now that kids are at home, I need to make sure she’s eating nutritious food. It’s great that Feeding San Diego is helping the Armed Services. Thank you so much for supporting us during this difficult time.

Steve & Judith

A young couple who attended the Memorial Day food distribution

“I got orders in 2019. We moved from North Carolina, so in comparison, the cost of living is quite a jump. It’s really expensive here. The military can adjust you a little bit on the pay, on the BAH, but most of the time it’s not enough to compensate for the move or the basic rents. So these types of things help. We’re really thankful for the support of our troops, not only to our family but every family that has benefitted from any drives like this. It helps. I know there’s a lot of families that struggle with some finances and these actually take the stress from feeding their family, and they can worry about something else and not on bills.”

Blog: Feed Change

Interested in supporting Feeding Heroes?

Please reach out to a member of our development team at donorservices@feedingsandiego.org.

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