San Diego-Based Jensen Meat Company Donates More Than 160,000 Pounds of Product to Feeding San Diego
Donation includes both meat and plant-based protein to be distributed to those facing hunger in San Diego County
Feeding San Diego has received a donation of 166,300 pounds of product from Jensen Meat Company that will help the non-profit continue to provide nutritious food throughout San Diego County. The donation includes ground beef and plant-based meat that will be distributed by Feeding San Diego and its community partners focused on hunger-relief, which include other non-profits, faith-based organizations, and meal programs. Jensen Meat Company is a leading processor and marketer of high-quality ground beef products that has expanded into plant-based beef alternatives in recent years.
Jensen Meat Company has been a food donor to Feeding San Diego since 2015 and has donated over 784,107 pounds of food to the organization to date, including Feeding San Diego’s largest food donation ever—500,000 pounds of plant-based patties— last year. Feeding San Diego works with local food manufacturers like Jensen Meat Company to rescue food that might otherwise end up in a landfill, for business reasons such as surplus or changed orders. For this donation, Jensen Meat Company specially produced this product as a donation, but most donations are done to cut food waste.
“This donation from Jensen Meat Company enables us to provide a most-requested item: frozen meat protein,” says Patty O’Connor, chief supply chain officer at Feeding San Diego. “With grocery prices still inflated, families are struggling to afford high-cost items like meat and dairy. Thanks to the generosity of our local food donors, we can provide more choice to the people we serve.”
Instead of disposing of food, Feeding San Diego provides an opportunity for local businesses to give back to the community by donating surplus or unsellable food. Food rescue has been in the spotlight since last year as it’s now mandated by California state law SB 1383, which requires certain food businesses to donate edible food to hunger-relief organizations rather than composting it or sending it to the landfill.
“Jensen Meat Company chooses to donate to Feeding San Diego because we’re from San Diego. What better of a fit than to partner up with one of our local non-profit organizations,” said Anthony Crivello, vice president of production at Jensen Meat Company. “We’re a successful company that has the means to donate these types of numbers every year. It’s very rewarding, and it’s very worthwhile.”
Feeding San Diego and its 370 community partners serve people experiencing food insecurity, including children, families, seniors, college students, and military families and veterans. The organization has arranged for ongoing deliveries of the plant-based protein to 22 of its partners, including Jewish Family Service, Community Resource Center, and Santa Sophia Conference.