Meet Feeding San Diego’s Newest Board Members

Published On: December 6th, 2022By Categories: Partnerships9.5 min read

A non-profit’s board of directors is integral to the success of the organization. Feeding San Diego is fortunate to have a board whose members bring commitment, compassion, and dedicated leadership to our mission to end hunger across San Diego County. Over the past year, we’ve welcomed five new board members from various backgrounds who are energized to help lend their expertise to our mission. The newest members of Feeding San Diego’s Board of Directors come from various backgrounds but all have one thing in common: enthusiasm. We spoke to each of our new board members to learn more about why they joined our board and what drives them to give back to their community.

Feeding San Diego Board Member Shawn Caine

Shawn Caine

Owner, Law Offices of Shawn E. Caine, A.P.C.

Q: When did you first learn about Feeding San Diego and its mission?

I have a very good friend, Mark Loretta [current Feeding San Diego board member], who was telling me about Feeding San Diego and basically introduced the idea of my involvement. I have a unique background in that I represent a large number of produce growers in the state of California as a trial lawyer. In talking to Mark, it became apparent that I might be able to help Feeding San Diego bridge some gaps with farmers. I was basically introduced to it through a good conversation with a good friend. I felt maybe there would be something that I could do to help.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being a part of Feeding San Diego’s Board of Directors?

I’m looking forward to learning, and I’m looking forward to helping. If there’s an opportunity where I can be instrumental in making sure that some people are healthier, less hungry, and fed, I’ll give it my best. Because of certain relationships I’ve developed over the past 35 years, we can have some impact.

Q: What does ending hunger mean to you?

It means mankind has made a significant advance for others of the future, so people don’t go through the suffering of wondering where their next meal is coming from. It’s such a foundational value for humans to be nourished. It would be monumental. We have to chip away at it wherever we can—such a world of strife right now among people. I think everyone would agree that it would be a really great thing to achieve. We can work together, no matter our politics or ideals.

Feeding San Diego Board Member Juan Gil-Ramirez

Juan Gil-Ramirez

Investor & Entrepreneur, Board Member, Mexico City Food Bank

Q: When did you first learn about Feeding San Diego and its mission?

I have been familiar with the food bank model for about 15 years since I started to serve at the Mexico City Food Bank. About a year ago, I met another board member, Steve Netzley, who introduced me to the great job we all do at Feeding San Diego.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being a part of Feeding San Diego’s Board of Directors?

First of all, I really identify with the cause of ending hunger. Hunger is not only a problem of suffering for those who face it but also of spending resources that could be otherwise invested better. If you end hunger, many people spending resources trying to find food will have more resources to spend in other, more productive ways. I believe our communities are full of capable people that could do great things.

Q: What does ending hunger mean to you?

I think we live right now in the best country to live in, in the best age in history. Just imagine if you were born 200 years ago; maybe your life expectancy would be 35 years. Maybe you get the flu and die. We are very lucky that we are at this age and right now. Besides all of that, I think our system has a lot of imbalances. One of those ugly imbalances is hunger. It’s incredible that we produce all the food to feed 100% of the population, but we waste around 30%. We have all the means to try to solve those imbalances. One very good solution for our city is Feeding San Diego. If you have a cause, you can follow that cause. Stay aware that there are no small actions you can take.

Feeding San Diego Board Member Eric Hornsten

Eric Hornsten

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Q: When did you first learn about Feeding San Diego and its mission?

I was searching this past holiday break (December 2021) for a community service opportunity to do with my kids. There were a couple of items that were in my heart at the time. One was homelessness, and another was feeding people. Feeding San Diego really piqued my interest as an organization that I wanted to know about. As I researched it, I realized I knew one of the existing board members (Bill Keitel) and reached out to say I wanted to get involved.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being a part of Feeding San Diego’s Board of Directors?

When I started, it was to have a greater degree of impact and to love and serve others. But what’s been interesting throughout the process is that I’m so humbled by the other board members. I came in a little bit naïve about just wanting to help. As I’ve embarked on the journey and met with other board members, I’ve been humbled by their passion, their success (both at Feeding San Diego and outside of it), and what they have done collectively with the organization so far. This is a really amazing group of people, and I’m going to learn from them in ways I never thought possible.

Q: What does ending hunger mean to you?

The organization’s goal is so big, and to be able to have that impact on the community and on people in San Diego would be amazing. Even along the journey, the number of lives that are improved as the organization works towards that very aspiration goal is just phenomenal. It’s a way to show that we really care about the community. Going back to the idea of loving and serving others, if we can end hunger, I think that would be amazing.

Feeding San Diego Board Member Bill KeitelBill Keitel

Former Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Qualcomm Inc.

Q: When did you first learn about Feeding San Diego and its mission?

It was several years ago. Gwendolyn [Feeding San Diego’s founder and current board chair] and I were on another non-profit board together, and she invited me to a Feeding San Diego event that she was hosting. That was kind of the start. After that, I did a little more research on Feeding San Diego, and I just thought it was such a great idea. At that time, donations just went to fund a network to collect excess food and get it out to the communities that needed it. My support’s grown, and now I’m a member of the board.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being a part of Feeding San Diego’s Board of Directors?

Trying to find ways to help. I think a major part of a board’s reasonability is to help the management team to be successful. I’m looking forward to trying to find ways to help make that happen. My background is primarily in finance, so hopefully, there are some ways there on the financial end, be it the planning, the reporting, whatever, to help the organization as a whole. That’s my foremost opportunity.

Q: What does ending hunger mean to you?

That’s a big, big area. To me, Feeding San Diego is somewhat the last resort. You’re helping the people that, for various reasons, can’t fully help themselves. The answer ultimately is to enable people to help themselves so that they can afford the food that they need. That’s not an easy answer.

The cost of food today, as a percent of the average person’s disposable income, is down substantially from what it was 20-30 years ago. But at the same time, the cost of living, fuel, and electricity has all gone up so much more than the cost of food has come down. Each of those has its own elements of challenge as to how to turn it around. To me, Feeding San Diego is a safety net that’s kind of at the end of that cycle.

Feeding San Diego Board Member Alberto Mier y Terán

Alberto Mier y Terán

President & General Manager, KFMB

Q: When did you first learn about Feeding San Diego and its mission?

Somebody in my office told me about Feeding San Diego. I had done a tour of the food bank and volunteered, and I knew that there was a huge need. The food bank was only serving a percentage of San Diegans. Food insecurity is real and a big issue in our community. We did an event with Feeding San Diego that I participated in. I was a greeter. It felt really good to help people.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being a part of Feeding San Diego’s Board of Directors?

Some people sit on boards because they want to check a box, and some people sit on boards because they want to make a difference. At this stage in my career, I’m more interested in making a difference. When I saw the people who were on the board and then I met Gwendolyn, I realized that it’s a very authentic, passionate group of people. I sit on other boards, but I’m pleasantly surprised with the candor and passion for the mission that exists on this board. I believe that we live in a country that should not have anybody go hungry.

Q: What does ending hunger mean to you?

It’s about a reallocation of resources and for our country to understand what the priorities are. I believe that we live in the best county in the world, and we should be able to provide enough food so that nobody goes hungry. We have enough food. We need to figure out how to get it to the right people, at the right time, in the right way. It will take a while to do this, but we have to do it. Gwendolyn says she wants Feeding San Diego to go out of business, so there’s no longer a need. It’s pretty cool.

Join Our Board in Making a Difference

We’re so grateful to the amazing people who sit on our board and generously lend their team to help the hundreds of thousands of San Diegans facing hunger. Thank you to our other board members:

  • Gwendolyn Sontheim
    Board Chair
  • Eugene Chen
  • Sam Binkley
  • Jon Buneta
  • Mark Loretta
  • Steve Netzley
  • Shari Sapp
  • Jodi Ungrodt

By generously donating their time, they make a difference in the lives of San Diegans every day. Find out more about the rest of our board or get involved in our mission today!