Feeding San Diego Logo
30 09, 2019

Advocacy Alert: Urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 614


New law could increase donations of meats, dairy, and other products Current state law allows a 15% tax credit for fresh fruits and vegetables donated by qualified taxpayers to food banks. Assembly Bill 614 (Eggman) would expand this Farm to Food Bank Tax Credit beyond fresh produce, to make eligible the following products: fruits, [...]

Advocacy Alert: Urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 6142019-09-30T13:03:20-07:00
27 08, 2019

Nancy Kane, a Feeding San Diego Volunteer, featured in the San Diego Magazine


Last week, the San Diego Magazine published an article titled 'The Volunteer Diaries' to bring into spotlight three local San Diegans who are making a difference in the San Diego community with their volunteering efforts. One of our very own volunteers, Nancy Kane, a Team Leader and Ambassador, was featured among the three volunteers. [...]

Nancy Kane, a Feeding San Diego Volunteer, featured in the San Diego Magazine2023-06-08T08:10:18-07:00
26 08, 2019

Starbucks grants $150,000 to Feeding San Diego to help end hunger


Feeding San Diego has received a $150,000 grant from Starbucks to help end hunger in San Diego County. Over the next year, the funding will support the services Feeding San Diego offers to children and youth, families, and seniors at 66 direct service sites, including 40 school pantries, 16 rural mobile pantries, three direct [...]

Starbucks grants $150,000 to Feeding San Diego to help end hunger2019-08-26T11:44:27-07:00
6 08, 2019

Feeding San Diego awards $25,000 to nine community partners serving seniors


Feeding San Diego awarded $25,000 in grant funds this month to nine community partners serving seniors in San Diego County. This is part of Feeding San Diego’s Feeding Seniors initiative, which provides healthy meals to nearly 5,000 food-insecure seniors through strategic partnerships every week. Focused on improving the impact and reach of services offered [...]

Feeding San Diego awards $25,000 to nine community partners serving seniors2019-08-06T10:01:47-07:00
31 07, 2019

Nixon donates 500 backpacks and volunteers to pack them with fresh produce for kids


Earlier this month, Nixon donated 500 backpacks to Feeding San Diego, and 18 Nixon employees volunteered to pack the backpacks with apples for the one in six children facing hunger in San Diego County. The volunteer team was so efficient that not only did they glean and pack 2,000 pounds of apples, but they [...]

Nixon donates 500 backpacks and volunteers to pack them with fresh produce for kids2019-07-31T10:26:40-07:00
24 07, 2019

Application intake event for CalFresh Expansion to SSI, the largest anti-hunger legislation in recent California history


We're proud to share that Feeding San Diego, along with our partners, Serving Seniors, 2-1-1 San Diego, and the County of San Diego Health and Human Services, hosted an application intake event on July 23, 2019, to drive awareness among senior SSI recipients on the CalFresh expansion, the largest anti-hunger initiative in recent California history, and to educate [...]

Application intake event for CalFresh Expansion to SSI, the largest anti-hunger legislation in recent California history2019-07-24T11:20:10-07:00
12 07, 2019

Why are many of America’s military families going hungry?


At Dewey Elementary in San Diego, where most kids have military parents, the line forms early at the food pantry for free produce, snacks and staples like bread. By Cynthia McFadden, Christine Romo and Kenzi Abou-Sabe SAN DIEGO — Dozens of people formed a line outside Dewey Elementary School on a recent Monday, [...]

Why are many of America’s military families going hungry?2019-07-12T11:02:01-07:00
11 07, 2019

Feeding San Diego raises more than one million meals through Fuel for Summer Campaign


Feeding San Diego is proud to announce that its annual Fuel for Summer campaign has raised 1,220,156 meals since its kick-off on May 13, 2019, with another month and a half to go. In San Diego County, one in six children face hunger — over 120,000 children. Thousands of youth lose access to nutritious school [...]

Feeding San Diego raises more than one million meals through Fuel for Summer Campaign2019-07-11T14:34:10-07:00
9 07, 2019

Feeding San Diego and AMC partner at Comic-Con ‘DeadQuarters’ to end hunger


Feeding San Diego and AMC partnered on a donation campaign to end hunger at this year’s Comic-Con, and received 1,082.5 pounds of food along with $3,465 in monetary donations from visitors. The network encouraged visitors to go to “DeadQuarters,” its official fan zone of “The Walking Dead” and “Fear the Walking Dead,” to donate [...]

Feeding San Diego and AMC partner at Comic-Con ‘DeadQuarters’ to end hunger2019-07-09T15:10:05-07:00
28 06, 2019

SSI Recipients Can Now Apply for CalFresh


As of June 1, 2019, 700,000 Californians are now eligible for CalFresh (nationally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) for the first time. For the last 45 years, individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) lacked the opportunity to apply for CalFresh benefits, but a new state law has ended that prohibition. The majority [...]

SSI Recipients Can Now Apply for CalFresh2019-06-28T10:08:05-07:00
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