Ambassador Spotlight: Chef Angelo Sosa

Published On: October 28th, 2019By Categories: Miscellaneous1.6 min read

“The thought of children and families not having a meal at a table inspires me to be active in hunger-relief work. Growing up, I learned that food is what connects people: laughter, love and memories. I want everyone to have that.”

Angelo Sosa is a talented chef from New York with an illustrious career, including Bravo’s Top Chef series. Moving to San Diego, Chef Angelo was inspired to get involved in tackling hunger. A chance meeting at Feeding San Diego’s Pairings with a Purpose event in 2017 led Chef Angelo to meet his future business partner, Jessica Mestler. Together they opened their highly successful Encinitas restaurant, Death by Tequila.

Q: When did you get involved with Feeding San Diego and why?
A: It was important for me to integrate myself within the San Diego community when I moved here. I’m super passionate about hunger. Feeding people for me is like caring for them, feeding them love, nourishing them and bringing people together.

Q: What inspires you to be active in hunger-relief work?
A: The thought of children and families not having a meal at a table. Growing up, I learned that food is what connects people: laughter, love and memories. I want everyone to have that.

Q: What has been the highlight of your experience with this work to date?
A: The people behind the scenes have created a means to empower these families. They have purpose and drive. It’s selfless and I adore the selfless.

Q: What is the one message you would like to convey to others regarding the issue of hunger in our community?
A: Anyone can make a difference, on any scale. I think it’s about contributing to the cause in any way. The concept of giving magnifies.

Thank you, Angelo, for supporting Feeding San Diego! We appreciate all you do to help us end hunger in San Diego County.