This Hunger Action Month, We’re Crossing Out Hunger for…

Published On: September 13th, 2021By Categories: Campaigns, Community Support1.7 min read

September is Hunger Action Month. It was established by Feeding America in September 2008 to inspire the nation to get involved with the hunger crisis across the country. Every year, Feeding San Diego joins Feeding America and the other 199 network food banks to bring attention to the problem at hand: hunger exists in our communities. This Hunger Action Month, we’ve launched our Cross Out Hunger campaign. We’re working to cross out hunger for the children, families, seniors, college students, military families, and veterans who face tough choices far too often about whether or not they can purchase nutritious food versus pay bills. Will you join us?

The Time is Now

13 years in and Hunger Action Month is as relevant as ever, both nationally and locally. After one of the busiest years on record for Feeding San Diego—in response to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic— we are continuing to respond to the needs of those disproportionally affected who are struggling to recover, like families with children and people of color, and are asking for the public’s help.

Neighbors in Need

This month, we’re calling on our community to help us Cross Out Hunger. You may notice our bold logo that literally crosses out the word hunger. We’re crossing out hunger for Sandra, a senior who we met at a Together Tour stop in Ramona. Listen to her story and you’ll be inspired to act.

Here are some ways you can get involved this month:

  • Donate $50 and receive a Cross Out Hunger t-shirt
    • Supporters are encouraged to wear their Cross Out Hunger t-shirt on Hunger Action Day on September 17 and use the hashtag #crossouthunger
  • Become a volunteer
    • Help glean, sort, and pack produce and dry goods at our distribution center, or support an upcoming distribution. Learn more.
  • Join the Feed 365 community of monthly donors
    • Monthly donors help ensure sustained funds for the organization. Join today. 

Food or electricity? It shouldn’t be a choice. You have a choice. Choose to end hunger. Take action here.